Climate neutrality will affect British freedom of functioning

Despite leaving the
political structures of the European Union, Great Britain is legally obliged to
further implement climate policy. Therefore, in order to determine the
possibility of achieving British neutrality by 2050, the report "Absolute
Zero" was created as part of the UK FIRES government research program.
Researchers at the
University of Cambridge and other British universities who are the authors of
the report note that the only way to achieve zero net emissions by mid-century
is to close all airports:Immediately, a real ban
on air travel will be introduced across most of the country
- says the report. In addition, the report envisages rapid and elementary
changes in industrial processes as well as in British lifestyle. In addition to
giving up air travel, the British should reduce emissions from heating their houses,
furthermore, the report's authors recommend:using the heating for a shorter period of time
in fewer rooms and wearing warmer clothes in winter.
In order to achieve climate neutrality, the British should reduce their diet,
as the report demands the elimination of meat consumption as well as the
cessation of frozen food production. In agriculture, which will no longer
produce meat, the use of fertilizers should be drastically reduced.The authors of the
report finally recommend the building industry to completely abandon the use of
cement due to high carbon dioxide emissions during its production. By 2050, a
ban on importing products from abroad should be introduced until zero-emission
maritime transport is developed.The
above, somewhat unprecedented scenario of achieving climate neutrality seems
extremely difficult to implement, as its introduction would require the
application of radical changes in every aspect of British society lifestyle,
which can significantly affect the freedom of functioning.