Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide

One of the products of biomass, natural gas or coal combustion is carbon dioxide. Its increased presence in the atmosphere is considered to be the reason for global warming. Academic circles are looking for ways to utilise CO2 to finally solve the pr [...]

Clean coal technologies

Clean coal technologies

Coal gasification technologies are being researched and developed in many countries, including China, Australia, South Africa, Canada and India. Similar work is scheduled to commence on a large scale in Poland from 2021. The process has several sign [...]



Carbon fibre is a material valued for its universal application. It consists of a stretched carbon structure, chemically similar to graphite. Carbon fibres are organic polymers with high mechanical strength, and yet infusible and chemically resistant [...]

Graphene - material of the future

Graphene - material of the future

Graphene is a single layer of carbon atoms – the basic structural element of graphite – with unique properties. It is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and is characterised b [...]

How much carbon is there in coal?

How much carbon is there in coal?

Depending on the type and several other factors, bituminous coal may contain from 60% to 80% of carbon (C), anthracite more (92-98%) and lignite less (25-35%). Its composition and heating value depend on the level of moisture, ash, sulphur and other [...]